198 apartments in Bornstedter Feld in Potsdam
Bornstedter Feld, situated on the north side of Potsdam, is currently the town’s only residential development site. The MILA Group commissioned 198 new housing units here as part of the “Mies-van-der-Rohe-Strasse” project. Eighteen multi-family houses, distributed between seven different properties, have been ready for occupancy since spring 2017. The project also included three underground garages and eight commercial units.
MEAVECTOR concrete light wells and MEAMAX GRP light wells with a suitable mesh were chosen – in the AQUA version in each case. MILA also decided in favour of the MEACAPE light well cover as protection against rainwater from the façade or driving rain against the light well.
The torrential rain which fell in Potsdam at the end of June 2017 (the heaviest rainfall since records began) was a chance for MEA’s AQUA solutions to prove that they provide reliable protection against water ingress. No damage whatsoever was reported due to leaking light wells.

At a glance
- Place: Potsdam, Germany
- Products:
- MEAVECTOR AQUA concrete light well with closed floor and with/without drainage opening
- MEAMAX AQUA GRP light well
- MEALUXIT casement window system
- 30/30 mesh
- MEACAPE light well cover