Product Catalogue / Price List as of May 2021
Download link for the product catalog / price list valid from 1 May 2021:
MEA Bausysteme product catalog & price list as of 05/2021 (PDF, Medium)
ATTENTION: Price adjustment as of 1 June, 2021
The special and difficult challenges of the last months regarding the price development on the raw material markets, MEA Bausysteme has mastered by responsible acting to a large extent successfully. However, as this situation continues to worsen, we currently have no choice but to apply surcharges to our prices as of May 1, 2021. Due to the current price fluctuations in the raw material markets, we continuously monitor the market and review the temporary allowances on an ongoing basis as required. In accordance with our responsibility as MEA Bausysteme, we always strive to keep manufacturing costs at a stable level, but reserve the right to make further price adjustments in urgent cases.
Download link for the product catalog / price list valid from 1 June 2021:
MEA Bausysteme product catalog & price list as of 06/2021 (PDF, Medium)
If you have any questions regarding the content, please contact the field and office staff responsible for your region (see product catalog page 6ff.).