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    MEA UK

    MEA UK Ltd.

    Rectors Lane
    UK-CH52DH Pentre, Deeside

    T:+44 1244 534455
    F:+44 1244 534477
    E: uk.salesoffice@mea-group.com

    MEA Water Management

    MEA UK Ltd.

    Rectors Lane
    UK-CH52DH Pentre, Deeside

    Telefon: +44 1244 534455
    Telefax: +44 1244 534477




    MEA Metal Applications

    MEA Metal Applications s. r. o.

    Domažlická 180
    CZ-318 00 Plzeň

    Mřížové rošty
    T +420 733 160 162
    T +420 731 698 952
    T +420 731 643 454
    T +420 733 160 164
    E info.cz@mea-group.com

    Transportní technika
    T +420 731 643 454
    T +420 733 160 164
    E info.cz@mea-group.com

    Žárové zinkování
    T +420 737 204 132
    T +420 377 494 207
    T +420 377 494 224
    T +420 377 494 236
    E zarova.zinkovna@mea-group.com

    T +420 377 494 305
    E recepce@mea-group.com

    Personální oddělení
    T +420 377 494 216
    T +420 377 494 307
    E recepce@mea-group.com

    MEA China

    MEA China Ltd

    Kunshan Airport Industrial
    Supporting Base, North of Chang
    Jiang Road, Kunshan City,
    Jiangsu Province, China

    P +86 (0) 512 5517 0567
    F +86 (0) 512 5511 3967
    E info.china@mea-group.com


    MEA Water Management

    MEA Water Management s.r.o.

    Domažlická 180
    CZ-318 00 Plzeň

    T +420 841 111 128



    MEA Polska

    MEA Polska Sp. z o.o.

    ul. Baletowa 30
    PL-02-867 Warszawa

    T +48 22 717 71 11
    F +48 22 717 71 10

    E info-pl@mea-group.com

    MEA Water Management

    MEA Bautechnik GmbH
    Geschäftsbereich Water Management

    Sudetenstraße 1
    D-86551 Aichach

    T +49 (0) 8251 91-1810
    F +49 (0) 8251 91-1306



    MEA Bautechnik GmbH
    Geschäftsbereich Water Management

    Sudetenstraße 1
    D-86551 Aichach

    T +49 (0) 8251 91-1810
    F +49 (0) 8251 91-1306

    E markus.pfalzgraf@mea-group.com



    MEA France

    MEA France, SARL

    25, Avenue Jean Prouvé
    F-88100 Saint-Dié-des-Vosges

    T +33 3 29 / 56 84 48
    F +33 3 29 / 51 63 93

    E mea.france@mea-group.com

    MEA Metal Applications SRL

    MEA Metal Applications SRL

    Str. Valcele, Nr. 48A, jud. Cluj, RO-405200 Dej

    Regiune vanzari 1: Janos Arkosi-Balint +40 721 222 273
    Regiune vanzari 2: Eduard Retezeanu +40 731 497 768
    Regiune vanzari 3: Catalin Plesescu +40 722 206 554

    Tel: +40 264 206 111
    Fax: +40 264 206 112

    E-Mail: info.ro@mea.de

    Contact de vânzări (PDF)

    MEA Metal Applications

    MEA Metal Applications S.A.S.U.

    25, Avenue Jean Prouvé
    F-88100 Saint-Dié-des-Vosges

    T +33 3 29 56 80 04
    F +33 3 29 56 84 52

    E caillebotis@mea-group.com


    MEA Water Management

    Zuzana Obertášová, export@mea-odvodneni.cz

    SC Novo Sell SRL
    SC Tatco Developement SRL
    SC MC Consulting, Trade & Engineering SRL
    SC Chrisim Instal SRL

    MEA Building Systems

    MEA Bautechnik GmbH
    Geschäftsbereich Bausysteme

    Sudetenstraße 1
    D-86551 Aichach

    T +49 (0) 8251 91-0
    F +49 (0) 8251 91-1360

    E info@mea-bausysteme.com

    Ansprechpartner Außen- und Innendienst (PDF)

    MEA Building Systems

    MEA Bausysteme GmbH

    St. Pöltner Straße 115
    A-3130 Herzogenburg

    T +43 (0) 27 82.83 20 00
    F +43 (0) 27 82.83 20 010
    E info@mea-bausysteme.at


    Ansprechpartner Außen- und Innendienst (PDF)

    MEA Water Management

    MEA Bautechnik GmbH
    Geschäftsbereich Water Management

    Sudetenstraße 1
    D-86551 Aichach

    T +49 (0) 8251 91-0
    F +49 (0) 8251 91-1306


    MEA Water Management

    MEA Bautechnik GmbH

    St. Pöltner Straße 115
    A-3130 Herzogenburg

    T +43 (0) 27 82.83 20 00
    F +43 (0) 27 82.83 20 010
    E info@mea-bausysteme.at


    MEA Metal Applications

    MEA Metal Applications GmbH

    Sudetenstraße 1
    D-86551 Aichach

    T +49 (0) 8251 91-0
    F +49 (0) 8251 91-1382

    E info.torbeschlaege@mea-group.com
    E info.gitterroste@mea-group.com


    Hier geht es zur Händlersuche.

    MEA Metal Applications

    MEA Metal Applications GmbH

    Sudetenstraße 1
    DE-86551 Aichach

    T +49 (0) 8251 91-0
    T +49 (0) 8251 91-1382

    E info.torbeschlaege@mea.de
    E info.gitterroste@mea.de


    MEA Building Systems

    MEA Water Management s.r.o.

    Domažlická 180
    CZ-318 00 Plzeň

    T +420 841 111 128

